First up, Teresa Richardson! The owner and operator of Crochet Geek she has TONS of videos on how to's. You can find her youtube channel HERE. I am going to post a couple of my favorite project videos below:
This video shows how to do the Broomstick lace stitch, it is a gorgeous and challenging stitch but Teresa does share her secrets on how she does this stitch with a bit more ease!
This gorgeous afgan pattern is a quick work up and super easy. One of my very first projects. I actually made it into a shell for photos when I had my daughter.
This is what I made out of the swirl afgan pattern
Teresa is amazing and I absolutely adore her tutorials as do thousands of others. If you would like to join her on Facebook you can find her Facebook page HERE. You will see tons and tons of photos from other talented people.
Next up, Mikey from crochet Crowd.
I found Mikey not terribly long ago. I was searching Youtube for a tutorial on the star afgan. That is where I found Mikey and his wonderful tutorials. He is super creative and doesn't just cover yarn. He also does DIY decorating tutorials and has recently been picked up by RedHeart to do tutorials for them. You can find Mikey on youtube HERE or his Facebook page HERE
this is Mikey's cowboy bootie tutorial. I am in love with these adorable little booties and they are on my to-do list. Which by the way, is endless.
Mikey tackles extreme crochet as well. I have not yet tackled the gigantic hook like the one he uses in the video below:
Now the best part about Mikey's tutorials is if you have seen the crazy intimidating yarns like sashay or eyelash yarns, Mikey does tutorials on all of them. He is not afraid to use any and every yarn on the market. So if you have been thinking about these crazy looking yarns just check out his videos and it will ease your troubled mind!
This absolutely GORGEOUS afgan is simply explained by Mikey as he always takes you step by step. I love the colors!
One last Kudos for this post, Claire from BobWilson123. I have to admit that I have TONS of her videos in my playlists on youtube. She has so many awesome tutorials. I have actually managed to make several of her smaller projects. I will actually show you one I finished not long ago, it is the Granny Square Bag. She has a 3 video series on this bag showing step by step how to make the bag from the layout of squares to how to sew them together to how to make and sew on the handles.
Here is video one. You can find the other two on her Youtube Channel HERE
This is my go to flower for hairbows and headbands and even beanies! I adore it and it is simple and gorgeous once complete!
You can find Claire's Facebook here: BobWilson123
I do hope you will take some time to check out these amazing crafters. They truly put time into sharing their talent with the world and they are dedicated to spreading the love of crochet to those who may be afraid to try it or cannot read a pattern. Believe me, I learned to crochet from these three amazing and wonderful crocheters so Thank you to each of you for sharing your time and talent. The world is better for it!
Til next time, Stay Crafty!